Recap: Right to Work Alabama Sees Economic Growth


Right to Work Alabama is welcoming several new business investments soon. Some companies are adding new locations within the state. These include Fetch Rewards and Gregory Industries. Meanwhile, others are expanding current locations. These are HarbisonWalker and FGP Holding.

Read on in order to learn more about each investment and how it will positively impact the economy.

Fetch Rewards:

Fetch Rewards is investing $1 million in order to add a new location in Right to Work Birmingham, Alabama. This will also create 200 new jobs!

“With Fetch continuing to grow exponentially, Birmingham is the perfect place to launch the next chapter of our expansion. [“¦] It’s an up-and-coming technology and entrepreneurship hub with an incredible pool of local talent. We deeply appreciate the warm welcome we’ve received from state and county officials, and we’re so excited to be part of this community.” [“¦]

“Birmingham is rapidly becoming a dynamic hub for tech-focused businesses with solid growth potential, and Fetch Rewards is a top-notch addition to the scene taking shape in the city.”



HarbisonWalker is investing $25 million in order to expand in Right to Work Fairfield, Alabama. This will create 50 new jobs!

“After considering several location options, we are pleased to become a part of the Fairfield ““ Birmingham business community in Jefferson County again and bring jobs to the region. The location is ideal for delivering quality refractory products and high-value services to our customers’ growing steel operations in the southern U.S.” [“¦]

“The fundamentals for manufacturing and distribution success remain solid in the Fairfield area of Birmingham, and that’s evident by HarbisonWalker International returning to build a southern hub for its refractory business. [“¦] Our distribution network and workforce are strong and will support future opportunities for this global company to grow.”


FGP Holding:

FGP Holding is investing $20 million in order to expand in Right to Work Mobile, Alabama. This will also create 200 new jobs!

“Having a Mobile-based company expand in our community has always been a goal of our economic development efforts. [“¦] The success that FGP has had in Mobile is a testament to the company’s leadership and local support.” [“¦]

“Alabama offers an attractive environment for all kinds of people who dream of building a business and creating a legacy with a successful venture. [“¦] That is exactly what Cliff Kennedy has done, and I look forward to witnessing the next chapter of his company’s growth in Mobile.”


Gregory Industries:

Gregory Industries is investing $30 million toward a new location in Right to Work Athens, Alabama. This will also create 100 new jobs!

“We’re very excited at the prospect of creating more jobs, and more business in North Alabama. [“¦] We are grateful to the City of Athens and Limestone County for welcoming us and we are looking forward to a long and mutually beneficial partnership.” [“¦]

“This is yet another example of our growing and diverse industry base. [“¦] Gregory Industries has been great to work with, and we welcome them to our Limestone County family.”


To read the previous update on economic development in Right to Work Alabama, click here.

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