Sortera Alloys Relocates Facility to Right to Work Indiana


After thinking out their options, Sortera Alloys has decided that Fort Wayne, Indiana is the perfect place to relocate their manufacturing facility. While they may not have come from Texas, they plan to make this new state their new home. In order to make this come true, they are investing $4.2 million to get a 40,000-square-foot facility up and running.

The company’s plan is to create 100 million pounds of recycled material each year. This will also create around 100 jobs for people in the area. And, they plan to open soon around March of 2021. So all of this is good news for the economy of Fort Wayne!

From Area Development Magazine:

“This new facility will be the place we take our technology to the next level. […] We believe we can make a global impact, and we’re happy to take this important step in Fort Wayne.†[…]

“Indiana continues to lead the way in advanced manufacturing as companies like Sortera choose to locate and innovate in our state. […]With our skilled and robust manufacturing workforce that employs one in five Hoosiers, Indiana is a great place for cutting-edge innovators to establish and grow.â€AREA DEVELOPMENT MAGAZINE

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