Monopolistic Unionism Is Taxpayers’ Enemy

  For the better part of a century, scientific opinion polls have shown that Americans overwhelmingly oppose compulsory unionism, and it is indisputable that, if union officials did not rely on laws authorizing the termination of employees for refusal to join or bankroll their organizations to maintain and expand their wealth and power, they would…

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NILRR Right to Work News Clips, November 30, 2016

  Statement to the Workers at Chicago O’Hare International Airport National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation Online, November 28, 2016 According to reports, workers at O’Hare International Airport have been ordered by Service Employees International Union (SEIU) union bosses to strike beginning November 29. Mark Mix, President of the National Right to Work Foundation,…

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Philadelphia Union Bully & Clinton Crony Breaks Electrician’s Nose

A blurry ambulance driving down the street at night.

In a lawsuit filed early this week, Philadelphian Joshua Keesee, who owns and runs a small, union-freeelectrical contracting business, charges that union bigwig John Dougherty sucker punched him and broke his nosein January.When that failed to cowKeesee to Dougherty’s satisfaction, the business manager of Local 98 of the InternationalBrotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) union and…

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Union Militants Chortle about Justice Scalia’s Death

A black and white photo of ted strickland

Union bosses love collecting forced union dues and fees from employees, and loathe people who get in their way, or even signal they might get in the way. That’s why, a few days ago, a crowd of Ohio AFL-CIO officials and militants applauded the fact that a distinguished jurist’s death had “saved” government union bosses…

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Union Bosses Battle to Keep Golden State Housing Costs Outrageously High

Home prices and rent rates in non-Right to Work California are notoriously high. To be precise, according to the Missouri Economic Research and Information Center (a state government agency), last year housing in California was more costly than in every one of the other 47 contiguous states except non-Right to Work New York. The average…

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Judge Berates Obama Labor Board For Violating Workers’ Privacy

Right to Work advocates are hopeful that a federal judge’s willingness to stand up to union-label President Barack Obama’s National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) bureaucrats will help steel the spines of congressional leaders to do the same. For well over a year now, the National Right to Work Committee and its members have been urging…

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PA Big Labor Spends in PA Against Right to Work

Big Labor officials arespending moneyon Pennsylvania’s State Supreme Court races in early November,attempting to keep forced dues alive and wellfor the Keystone State. John Finnerty has the story in the Meadeville Tribune Online. Believing political influence of the state Supreme Court hangs in the balance of Nov. 3 polling, labor unions have donated heavily to…

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NILRR Clipsheet September 11, 2015

A chance to make union dues a choice The Supreme Court could end a corrupt practice of public-sector labor Washington Times Online, September 6, 2015   Mark Mix Thanks largely to favors granted by pliant politicians, government union officials enjoy extraordinary special privileges and wield immense political clout. This influence often comes at the expense of…

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New Labor Scheme for Bernie Sanders

Labor for Bernie intends to engage rank and file union members to get out the vote for Bernie Sanders using forced dues to realize their goals.But it seems that only union bosses are currently engaged in the campaign. Mario Vasquez has the story on In These Times. Labor for Bernie, a new nationwide network for…

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NLRB Flaunts Right to Work Laws

The National Labor Relations Board’s (NLRB) Chairman and General Counsel will both be called before the Senate to answer questions aboutrecent decisionsthat clearly favor Big Labor.Michael J. Lotito has the story in Workplace Policy Update. During a May 14 Senate Appropriations Subcommittee hearing to discuss the National Labor Relations Board’s FY 2016 budget, NLRB Chairman…

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