Tax-Paying Families Are Fleeing Forced-Unionism States
### Since 2000, a Net Total of 1.63 Million Federal Tax Filers Have Escaped to Right to Work States
Early this year, economist Mark Perry posted a table (which had originally appeared in the National Right to Work Newsletter) on his heavily trafficked Carpe Diem blog showing that the eight states enjoying the greatest net in-migration of people from other states between 2000-2008 all have Right to Work laws. The table also showed that, of the eight states suffering the worst out-migration, only Katrina-ravaged Louisiana has such a law.
Right to Work laws protect employees from federal policies authorizing the termination of workers for refusal to pay dues or fees to an unwanted union. To most Carpe Diem readers, the table undoubtedly furnished compelling evidence that the 22 Right to Work states as a group offer a far better climate for jobs and businesses than do the 28 states that do not protect employees from forced unionism.
However, additional data collected by the federal government make the case for Right to Work’s economic benefits even more compelling.
Specifically, the IRS tracks and makes available data that enable researchers to calculate how much income, on average, personal income tax filers who move to a Right to Work state take in the first year after they move.
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Tax-Paying Familes Are Fleeing — slightly corrected.pdf | 142.9 KB |